Muhammad SAW sebagai rahmatul lil alamin
Beliau adalah seorang anak yatim dan seorang ummi dan hidup dengan penuh cobaan.tapi karena kehendak allah maka beliau diangkat menjadi rasul akhir zaman.peristiwa itu terjadi pada malam 17 ramadhan.
Maka sejak itulah beliau menjadi rasul dan memulai berdakwah dengan sembunyi-sembunyi.semua itu dilakukan karena ancaman dari kaum quraish masih terlalu besar dan berbahaya.kemudian ketika pemeluk agama rasul semakin banyak terutama masuknya pamanya hamzah dan umar bin khatab maka dakwah rasul menjadi terang terangan.kemudian ketika perlawanan kaum quraish menjadi jadi,maka rasul dan sahabatnya memutuskan untuk hijrah ke madinah karena di madinah sudah banyak pemeluk agama islam.selain itu penduduk madinah sangat toleransi sehingga sejak itulah agama islam mulai berkembang dengan pesatnya.
Muhammad SAW as a Rahmatul Lil Alamin
Assalmualaikum wr.wb.
All praise be to Allah who has been giving mercy and blessing so we can attend this meeting without any obstacles.
Secondly, sholawat and salam may be given to our beloved prophet, Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness.
Then, I am standing in here just want to deliver my speech about our beloved prophet, Muhammad SAW.
Muhammad was an orphan and Ummi and lived with so many obstacles. But, because of the will of God, then He was nominated became a prophet in the end of time. That’s event happened in the night of 17 Ramadhan. Since that time, he became a prophet and started his religious proselytizing behind back. All of that was done because there were menacing from Quraish community still too big and danger. When the follower of Muhammad more and more especially the entry of his uncle, Hamzah and Umar bin Khattab, so his religious proselytizing became undisguised. And then, when the against of Quraish community more and more, so that Rasul and his friends decided to move to Madinah because of the follower of Muhammad in Madinah have reached a big quantity. Beside that, the Madinah societies were very tolerance so that Islam rapidly developed.
Okay,, that’s all my speech. And please forgive me for my mistake.
And the last,
wassalamualaikum wr.wb
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Kamis, 18 Februari 2010
Muhammad SAW sebagai rahmatul lil alamin
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